Monday, January 16, 2012

BUMPdate: Pop Goes the Weasel

I think we have "officially" POPPED:
I'm sure the stripes add a little to the bumpage but yesterday was the first day that everyone could "notice" that I was pregnant. We had a good laugh about it all around. 

Pregnancy HighlightsSeeing Squirt on the ultrasound at ten weeks (totally waved at the camera) and hearing his/her heartbeat at 10 and 14 weeks (heart rate was 161 today at the Dr) .
How Far Along: 14 weeks, 3 Days
Size of baby: Lemon, 3.4 inches, 1.5 oz
What's baby up to: thumb sucking, toe wiggling, and (not so cute but equally amazing) making urine and breathing amniotic fluid as the liver, kidneys and spleen continue to develop. Lanugo (thin, downy hair) is growing all over the body for warmth.
Total Weight Gained/Lost: 5 lbs total
Maternity Clothes: (Still) Haven't made the leap (thanks to leggings and sweaters), however, I'm on the verge of purchasing a belly band for some of my work pants. 
Gender: February 13th, I'm sensing a BOY for now still.
Movement: Just the  gas (still) :) You're welcome
Sleep: Still sleeping great, there is always a 4 am bathroom run that I sleep walk through.
What I miss: Nothing really since I was informed of a ceasar salad secret.
Cravings: (Still) Watermelon (cliche I know), granny smith apples, cheese and pizza (from time to time) I also got to eat at the Frostee Freeze this weekend and that made me want it everyday now. Until I hate it of course. 
Aversions: Certain smells make me want to hurl, I never know what it's going to be until I'm hanging my head over a toilet. The sight of raw chicken grosses me out also. Pickles- they grossed me out before and even more now. YUCK !!
Symptoms: Minor heartburn attacks, Sinus congestion constantly and the headaches are becoming more frequent.
Best Moment this week: Baby love from the fam this weekend, and hearing the heartbeat today at the doctor. It's seriously like a drug, and I am a heartbeat junkie !


  1. 161 huh?! :) Parker's heart beat has always been in the 160s and they say girl's have a higher heart rate. There could be another little legacy on the way! ;)

    We rented a little heart rate monitor so we could listen to it anytime we want at home. It also helped reassure & calm me down since I couldn't feel her for so long. I found out at my 20 wk. US that the placenta is right in the front of my stomach so it was adding extra cushion and blocking her movements.

  2. YAY! Its nice when people look at you and think, "Oh she is pregnant" and not "Shes getting a little pudgy". From one preggo to another I understand! I am so jealous that you get to find out the sex feb 13th. Jealous but excited!!!!
