Friday, January 27, 2012

BUMPdate: 16 Weeks, Time for New Pants

We're moving right along here in the Land of Expanding Pants. Today I am 16 weeks on the journey to SPANDEX the Hood of Parents (Parenthood). Hubbs snapped this pic last night. {side note: the bump is ALWAYS bigger at night, this morning it is half this size}

Pregnancy Highlights: Besides the ultrasounds and dopplers and their oh so convincing evidence of life inside, THE NAUSEA IS CEASING !!!!!!! HALLELUJAH! PRAISE THE LORD! (Don't get me wrong, it still sneaks in from time to time but it is NOTHING compared to what it has been previously) 
How Far Along: 16 weeks on the nose
Size of baby: Avocado, 4.6 inches, 3.5 oz
What's baby up to: Le Babe's eyebrows, lashes & hair are coming in. I have high hopes for long lushes lashes and thick hair!! haha Also, the taste buds are forming. I hope we share the same favorite flaves or this could get interesting. Baby's tiny ear bones are formed and he/she can hear me now. I'll bet he/she REALLY enjoys my morning serenades inspired by my Don't Stop Believing station on Pandora.
Total Weight Gained/Lost: 
Maternity Clothes: (Still) Haven't made the leap (thanks to leggings and sweaters). I WILL be purchasing a belly band (or two) while in Knoxville this weekend. Some of my work pants have been  introduced to the old rubber band through the button hole trick already. I'm still trying to hold off on maternity clothes, but Babies R Us is having an additional 40% off clearance sale right now, soooo I MIGHT have to check that out. 
Gender: February 13th, EVERYONE is convinced we are having a girl. (with the exception of me and 2 others) Drew has had 3 girl dreams now, and I have had 2 boy dreams. If you need a good chuckled today, ask me about the second boy dream I had. 
Movement: Nothing that I can't blame on gas, but I'm paying closer attention these days just in case
Sleep: I sleep like a champ until 4. Wake up for bathroom break, and then I MAY or MAY NOT go back to sleep peacefully. 
What I miss: Using multiple Diet Cokes as the solution to ANY problem
Cravings: Granny smith apples, cheese and pizza (from time to time) I still want sushi on a regular basis, don't worry it's cooked. Goat Cheese Pesto Dip from Crawdaddy's.. soooo delicious. Yes, it's also safe.
Aversions: Smells still get me, Pickles are worse than ever and turtle necks or tight crew necks (I feel like I'm smothering). All these things bring sweat to my brow and toilets in my eye line.
Symptoms: Still have constant sinus congestion, headaches are still frequent and the lower back pain comes and goes. (I know, this is a joke now. Don't be a smarty pants) HORMONES, HORMONES, HORMONES. I'm an emotionally basket case sporadically throughout the day. Also, the eternal Eskimo I once was now has minor hot flashes.
Best Moment this week: Shelby called to tell me she missed my baby (and me I'm sure), Grammy Jo's dreams, Getting supplies for the Valentine's Day gender reveal.

1 comment:

  1. You look so cute! Can't wait to hear what you're having.
