Wednesday, September 7, 2011

isn't that PINTERESTING...

If you haven't heard of Pinterest yet... YOU. NEED. TO. GET. WITH. THE. PROGRAM.  I have put my Pinterest habit to good use so that I wouldn't feel so bad about all the time I spend on there. It's so very easy to lose a few hours (seriously) sucked it there pinning away. To prove that I've been productive I've put together some of my Pinterest Products of Labor for your viewing pleasure:
    Everyone I know (of the female type) has accessories. Necklaces to be more specific.. For the last year and a half I've been storing all my necklaces on a hanger (around the neck) while all my belts lived on the "hanger bar". **I wish I had a "BEFORE" picture to share with you of this monstrousity I had created. Soooo Imagine my fear and anxiety the other day when I was getting ready for work and heard a LOUD thud!!! I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and turned to the closet.. and there.. on the floor were all my necklaces, in a pile, tangled together on a bed of tangled belts. That poor hanger had morphed into an ostrich with it's neck stretched to the limit. I imagine it cursed me just before it fell when it was hanging by it's fingertips onto the bar. I knew it was only a matter of days before this happened and had been feverishly researching my options... that's when I stumbled up on this idea:

Absolutely genius. So I set out for the hardware store. Purchased a $10 rake. Politely asked Hubbs to cut the handle off and put a big fat nail in a stud in the wall. I hung the rake and realized the teeth weren't bent enough to hold anything. SADNESS. Hubbs said he would handle it. I think he got to relieve some stress by banging it on the concrete. WIN WIN. So now, I have my own version of this great idea:

Another great idea I found was for the linen closet. The concept was to store bed linens in one of the pillowcases so that everything stays together. So smart right? 

We recently just purchased a new BIG bed. I'm not kidding when I say big. Drew and I have been puppy piled on each other in a full size bed since we got married. It had gotten to the point of long, sleepless, uncomfortable nights that lead to super cranky and draggy mornings. So we bit the bullet and bumped all the way up to a KING size. Sweet relief right ?? For most, yes. Not for me.. I immediately wanted our bed to look like something out of the most recent Pottery Barn catalog. My mother has kindly reminded me again and again and again that "Rome wasn't built in a day" and it might take time to find what I was looking for without spending a fortune. So I started my search. I had my heart set on quilt from Belk in their Amora print, but I didn't want it to be overwhelming. Just a sprinkle. I finally tracked it down and had it the midst of my search I came across a great blog post about "layering" a bed. It was so super helpful in helping create my vision. And now.. not only do we have a comfortable place to sleep but it's also even cozier because it looks just like I wanted it to!!

I've also started a collection of great work outfits and organization ideas! New recipes are just a click away and so much easier to keep track of. We tried the Honey Lime Chicken recipe the other night and it was pretty delish. I plan on tweeking it a little next time, but that's the beauty of cooking. Make it your own. So thank you Pinterest for the continuous motivation I sometimes need to get my butt in gear!!


  1. Good Job K! Bedroom looks Awesome...nice lamp on the left..LOL
    i had the same problem and found a wooden Thread spool holder at Wallyworld, in the sewing dept(which I do not do) & use it on the back of a door to hold my "Fine Faux " necklaces...But I'm liking the rake idea....may change over, but I'd need several rakes LOL, as my Faux Necklace collection has grown(mostly because of the Awesome sale tables I run into!

  2. Awww K I love your necklace rake! And you weren't kidding! That is a giant bed. I love the layering!
