Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Taming the Dragon

This IS NOT the Dragon we tamed. However.... THIS is one of the curves of the Dragon that WAS tamed. 

Let, me explain.. On Friday, the 12th we packed our bags and the truck and headed for NC for Grant's 8th Birthday Party. The Hubbs and I both printed off directions to Franklin, NC. Mine were about 30 minutes shorter, and being the sweet man that he is, Hubbs decided to use mine. BIG MISTAKE. Once we were 15 minutes in on the first backroad I could see the questions in Hubbs' eyes. And for good reason. Then we reached the base of the Mountain, I look to my right and see a sign that says, "Dragon Pit Stop". I IMMEDIATELY realize what we've I've done. My directions SAY it will take a shorter amount of time, BUT they also take us through an 11 mile stretch across a mountain that contains 318 curves. No, I'm not kidding right now. I've made this journey before and swore I would NEVER do it again, and I had good intentions of never ever ever ever ever doing it again. That is.. until it was tooo late. 
By the time we had made it into Franklin, Little Sister was green, Drew was pretty P'Oed and I felt like an idiot. Lucky for me, I had popped a Dramamine before we started. haha
Here are a few pics of our journey on The Dragon :
Not handling the curves so well

Notice that blurriness.. that's how we felt too..

hair pin curves everywhere

Meeting someone?? TERRIFYING

Light at the end of the tunnel!!

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