Thursday, August 11, 2011

Some People's Kids

This is Grant. 

He is one of the cutest, smartest and funniest kids I know. And I'm not just saying that because he's my cousin. :) 
This weekend we are headed East, (yes again) to celebrate his 8th Birthday! I can still remember the day that he was born. It was my second weekend in Cookeville, classes started the following Monday, and although I had already spread my little socialite wings I was feeling VERY homesick. I was sitting in my dorm room being pitiful and I got the call. He was FINALLY here!! It made that dreary day a whole lot brighter. Grant was the first great-grand baby and the first baby that had been around in quite a while.(I'm thinking at least 13 years) I couldn't wait to see him and hold him. (I'm a bit of a baby junkie) Grant has given us plenty to laugh about and remember in his 8 years so far. He's pretty hilarious. I've put together a few of my favorite Grant stories for everyone's entertainment. One day, he'll be making millions entertaining the masses and I'm going to call him for money. Because, that's what family that REALLY cares does. "Hey, remember me? I'm your second cousin from your mom's uncle's 15th cousin's second wife's side."

From the Mouths of Babes:
  • Grant was staying at Mim and Pap's (my Mom and Dad's) one weekend. He wanted to sleep in the bed with them and Mom told him he couldn't because there was a "dip" in the middle of their bed. The next morning I was getting ready in their bathroom, in the mirror I see Grant behind me on their bed digging like a dog in the mattress. I said, "Grant what are you doing?" He replied, "I can't find Mim and Pap, I think they disappeared down in the SAUCE" Confused beyond words I said, "In the sauce?" and says, "Yeah, you know..the dip!"
  • One Halloween I called him to find out what he was dressing up as, I think he was a spider, he asked me and I told him I was going to be a Scarecrow. I asked him if he got more candy than me, if he would share his stash. He replied," Sssshhhheeeeaaahhh right, Get your own Scarecrow."
  • One Christmas Grant was on what I'm assuming a Sugar-high and running around like a crazy person. Dad pulled him aside and was telling him about how he had seen Santa on the side of the road earlier that day giving away the bad kids' gifts to other good kids. Grant says," Man, don't you just hate it when that happens." And bolts to do 28 more laps around the house.
  • Mom has a curvy topiary tree in the dining room. Grant came in one day and headed straight for it. He stops in front of it and looks it up and down. Looks over his shoulder and says, "Nice bean stalk ya got here Mim." And proceeds to try and climb it. 
Happy Early Birthday Sweet Boy!! I love you lots !!

PS... This is for you..and it's NOT a Golden Retriever. Sorry.


  1. He seems precious! I love that he was looking for them "in the sauce." ;)

  2. Oh sister he's a hoot!! You would love him!
