Thursday, May 3, 2012

"Oh these old things???, These are my Crafty Pants!"

Good Day Friends! So sorry for the lack of blogging lately (yes, I did get those texts and messages and phone calls haha). Hubbs and I have been busy little bees preparing for the babe recently, because he is coming, ready or not, in T minus 73ish days. Seriously!!!

So what have we been up to lately?? Crafts of course!!!! and laundry, and our everyday tasks....
On the left you will find Pinterest/Internet?Pottery Barn/Etsy/etc. inspired crafts, on the right.. My knock offs.. at a much cheaper price tag !!!

My green version is really not as crooked as it looks.. I don’t think…

Yes, I know I left out the “is for”. I like it. Leave it alone. :)

Mr. Gator needs a blue background and he and Mr. Whale both need frames. They are painted and ready I just haven’t done it yet. Don’t judge.

Tuck has a nursery. Not decorated, however it is assembled and strategically placed, and partially (minimally) stocked...

The bed got a fresh white paint job !!

It was a loooooog night to say the least.
The dresser got new knobs and hardware…

And we squeezed in a little party time for this Birthday Boy :) 

(I'm currently experiencing some technical difficulties, so sorry for the shotty work tonight)


  1. Great job Ma'am! Everything is super cute! I REALLY need to finish Parker's nursery! I'll get there! lol

  2. Love all the crafts! So cute!
