Friday, April 20, 2012

BUMPdate: 28 Weeks... Choco-holic

The Hubbs, God love him, has done a good (very bad) thing. Last week I was having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. After venting to Hubbs most of the day, I came home to a delightfully delicious box of Russell Stover's. Sweet right? Yeah, literally. Needless to say that poor, unsuspecting box of chocolates didn't last long. (For the record, I had help)  Oh well, one empty box. No big deal. ...... Until Tuesday... when I had a hankerin' ... a super hankerin' for what else?? Chocolate. So, off I went on my lunch break to Russell Stover. Browsing the aisles packed with chocolately goodness, looking past the nuts (gag), the jellies (double gag) and the orange and peppermint concoctions (yuuuuuuck). Then, like a bright shiny light, there they were.. the caramels and chews. YIPPEE !!!!!!!!!! I barely made it through the door before I had ripped open the box and started devouring piece by piece, judging them only for a mere second while double checking their identity against the box lid map. Today.. we said goodbye to the final few pieces. I think that's a new record.
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Don’t. Judge.

Pregnancy Highlights: Nursery crafts, little bitty laundry, rubbing Tuck's bottom (or head, not sure), the chocolate :) I've hit the 3rd Trimester mark !!
How Far Along: 28 weeks exactly, 12 to go folks11
Size of baby: Rutabaga, around 16 inches long,  around 2.5 lbs
What is baby up to: Tuck is still practicing his breathing technique, and is starting to show brain activity. His lungs are mature enough that he COULD survive outside the womb. I strongly suggest sticking with your sweet accommodations kid, at least for 12 more weeks. Tuck is starting to put on some fat and smooth out his wrinkly skin. His eyes are responding to light and dark and are doing a lot of blinking.  
Gained/Lost: I'm pregnant AND I have a chocolate addiction.
Maternity Clothes: I'm ALL about some maternity pants these days, maxi skirts and dresses, and any flowy pre-preggs top that I can find in my closet.
Gender: BOY!! Tucker Andrew Edgington
Movement: Kicking, Punching, Rolling, Flipping, Stretching and what I can only assume to be "mooning". I am constantly rubbing a rump or a head. I'll be happy to figure out which is which.
Sleep: Pretty good these days considering I sleep in a nest of pillows.
What I miss: Nothing at the moment
Cravings: All the usual suspects
Aversions: Nothing too bad this week
Symptoms:  Lower back pain sucks, HEARTBURN, Occasional leg cramps, the ribs are catching most of the "action" these days.
Best Moment this week: The glider for the nursery will be here Saturday and so will Mim and Pap !!!!

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