Friday, May 18, 2012

BUMPdate: 32 Weeks, Bigger. By. The. Day.

BIGGER BY THE DAY. This statement COULD be completely in my mind, however it is my honest opinion. I FEEL bigger than last week, and every morning I feel like the belly is just a little rounder. Had I not already had this thought in my head it would have been placed there by the sweet hostess at the Cracker Barrel Wednesday evening and her "You're so BIG" remark. Really? Thanks, I hadn't noticed. I drowned my sorrow in a pancake platter immediately after. That's 3 cakes, one cup of butter and 2 bottles of syrup.. All. To. My. Self. 

Also this week I had a "mom" moment. My pal Madison (who is also expecting) and I exchange FB messages quite frequently about our growing wombs, celebrities' growing wombs, our aches and pains and guilty pleasures. It's nice to vent and not be judged. {She probably judges me, but she does it in a very silent way that I appreciate :) } This week we covered her shower, pregnant yoga and crib bumpers. You've been living under a rock if you haven't heard the outbreak of NO-NO's against crib bumpers these days.  I have been patiently waiting for PB Kids to send me my Harper in Navy to complete Tuck's perfect little bed. The original backorder day was June 6th. Okay, a month and a half before due date, no biggie. I checked this week on it's status on a whim to find out it has been pushed back until June 17th. I suppose it was my disappointment, mild anger issues (thanks extra testosterone) and recent enlightenment that led me to calling Customer Service promptly and canceling my order. The sweet (very southern) doll face on the phone asked why I was canceling. I kindly told her I was getting a little antsy waiting and that I didn't REALLY have to have it. She quickly replied, "Girl, I thought you'd done been watching the news. When my babies was young {and they ain't no mo'} we didn't have all that fancy stuff. I can't tell customers not to buy things, but I think you did the right thing today." Why THANK YOU lady. Maybe I AM ready for this mom business after all!

Pregnancy Highlights: Creating a nursery, feeling punches and kicks and wiggles, hearing heartbeats, being able to share this entire experience with really great friends
How Far Along: 32 weeks, that's 56 days... I'm starting to FREAK OUT
Size of baby: Squash, around 19 inches long, 4 lbs.
What is baby up to: Tuck is/was head down at the 3D ultrasound. I'm assuming he still is. He feels the same in my belly, just bigger. He has developed sensitivity to temperature (so they say). 
Gained/Lost: The Big 2-5
Maternity Clothes: I'm ALL about some maternity pants these days, maxi skirts and dresses, and any flowy pre-preggs top that I can find in my closet. 
Gender: BOY!! Tucker Andrew Edgington
Movement: Still moving considering he's growing rapidly these days. He's a very very active little guy!
Sleep: Thanks to my neighbor (Hey Neighbor!!) and the lending of her pregnancy pillow I'm sleeping pretty great (and hard) these days.
What I miss: Regular sized cute clothes, being able to sufficiently shave my legs, not scheduling my day around bathroom breaks
Cravings: nothing crazy this week
Aversions: THE HEAT and heart burn
Symptoms:  Heartburn and the sinus congestion is back

Best Moment this week: Getting presents, enduring birthing classes with my hysterical Hubbs and Finishing another project for Tuck's nursery....


  1. You look great! I remember the point of wow- I AM bigger today than yesterday but I suddenly feel MASSIVE! Granted, Parker is due in just over a week but I feel big! Luckily, it is all out in front and all baby! lol
    I put a bumper in Parker's crib. I don't care what they are saying. Rather have it then not b/c to me- just seems safer. lol

  2. Why does it look like your about to break into a house?
