Monday, July 15, 2013

Tales of the Tuck: Month 12

Favorite place to be: Things haven't changed much, you still love the water, being outside and being smack dab in the center of everyone's attention

Least Favorite place to be: You are still not a fan of the changing table... at all 

  New experiences this month: You went on your first Family beach trip this month, and have become quite the little daredevil, you are completely bottle free and we had your 1st Birthday Party this month too!!

 Favorite toy: Anything that makes noise is your favorite toy. You have a play table that makes lots of noises and has lots of blinking lights that you spend quality time with. You are also very fond of door stops and the "boing" sound they make.

Favorite songs: You love ALL music.. it can be faintly floating through a speaker somewhere and you will hear and start belly dancing. Your dance moves are hysterical! 

Favorite People: You've become a Momma's boy over the past few months and I LOVE it! You love your family and friends and teachers at school. 

Doctor’s appointments:
Birth- 6lbs 8 ozs, 19 1/2 inches tall

3 Months- 14lbs 4ozs, 24 1/2 inches tall

6 Months- 17 lbs 1 ozs, 27 and 1/4 inches tall

9 Months- 20 lbs 3 ozs, and 28 inches tall

12 Months- 20lbs, and 30 1/2 inches tall (this is the unofficial post, we don't go to the DR for our 1 year checkup for another week.. don't they know I need this stuff in a timely manner??)

Food: You are completely on table food these days. You will eat ANYTHING and EVERYTHING we put in front of you. We are so happy that you are such a good eater. You love everything from eggs, to hot dogs, to steak, to peas, to beans, to ice cream and cookies! You are drinking whole milk all the time now.. from a SIPPY cup !!!!

Funny moment: You've started sneezing on command or when someone else does, You also think it's hilarious when you burp now. You will look at us, grin and fake burp as much as you can until we crack a smile at you. 

Scary moment: While we were on vacation we had let you take a nap in our bed.. when I stuck my head in there to check on you, you were sitting on the ground, digging through a shopping bag. You immediately looked up and grinned and knew you were busted. I still have no idea how you managed to get off the bed without a concussion.... Fast forward to yesterday, you were taking a nap again in our bed at the lake and we heard a thud on the monitor, followed by a little cry, and then nothing.. I thought your Dad was checking on you, he was in the bathroom thinking I was checking on you, when in fact, You had climbed over to the tv remotes on the night stand, fallen off the bed, cried it out, and then turned on the television. ... needless to say you will be pack n play bound from this point forward. 

Words: Da-da, Mama, HI, bah-bah (bottle), bitebite, ball, PaPa, Tucker are the most consistent and recognizable these days , rumor has it your said "Harper" at school the other day... straight lady slayin'

Firsts: The beach and a seafood extravaganza while we were there

Sleep: Depending on the day 10-11 hours

Message from Momma:
Little Boy, as I rocked you to sleep last night and we said our night night prayers, I began to thank God for all the blessings and answered prayers he has provided over the past year. When you were still in my tummy I would pray specific things for you each day and night. I prayed that you would be a strong Godly man, full of courage, compassion, love, kindness, patience, humility, forgiveness, strength, humor, and common sense. I've been completely blown away to sit back and watch as God has provided. You are the most wonderful creature I've ever laid eyes on. You make the days brighter and the laughs sweeter. Being your Mommy has been the most rewarding role I've ever taken on. I thank God for picking me to do the job. Happy Birthday my sweet boy, You are the light of my life. 

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