Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tales of the Tuck: Month 11

Favorite place to be: Nothing makes you happier than to be the center of attention, your home made ball pit, outside, or in the water !! It makes Daddy and I super happy that you are such a lover of the outdoors. You have many, many, days outside ahead of you!  

Least Favorite place to be: On your changing table. No doubt about it. It breaks your little heart to have to be still for a diaper change. You will squirm and scream and roll and try to crawl away. It's frustrating but entertaining. Be glad I love you kid. Be glad.

  New experiences this month: We are mobile!! You started crawling this month. We have been saying, "Oh, he'll be crawling by Friday" for about 6 weeks now. Well.. you finally put it all together. It was so funny the first 3 or 4 days. You only used one leg, and the other was folded up under you for balance. It was awwwwwkward. You got 2 and 1/4 new teeth this month. Very impressive. You stood up in the tub like it was nothing and almost gave Daddy and I a heart attack. You took a trip to a legit BIG ball pit. You were a liiiiiiittle overwhelmed. We're working on it. You've started sticking out your tongue on command and SOMEtimes, signing "more" when you want more food. Other times, you just smack the highchair with your mouth wide open like "Heeeey Mom, FEED ME"!! You also moved up to the next room at school this month. Mommy was pretty sad because you are such a big boy now. You also got your first haircut !!

Favorite toy: Anything that makes noise is your favorite toy. You really are starting to enjoy and use all your toys now. You have a new fondness for your singing puppy and horse. You have a play table that makes lots of noises and has lots of blinking lights that you spend quality time with. You are also very fond of door stops and the "boing" song they make.

Favorite songs: Any and all music. You are a dancing machine!!

Favorite People: You are starting to be a teensy bit shy around new people and it's very funny to me because you have always lept from our arms to hang out with someone new. I guess this is a good thing though. Stranger Danger, Stranger Danger. You love your familiar faces though, and light up when one comes around.  

Doctor’s appointments:

Birth- 6lbs 8 ozs, 19 1/2 inches tall

3 Months- 14lbs 4ozs, 24 1/2 inches tall

6 Months- 17 lbs 1 ozs, 27 and 1/4 inches tall

9 Months- 20 lbs 3 ozs, and 28 inches tall
11 Months- 22lbs, and 30 inches tall

Food: You are completely on table food these days. You will eat ANYTHING and EVERYTHING we put in front of you. We are so happy that you are such a good eater. You love everything from eggs, to hot dogs, to steak, to peas, to beans, to ice cream and cookies! You are drinking whole milk with a touch of formula from a sippy cup (at school) and a bottle (at home). Look out though, Mommy's about to snag that bottle for good!

Funny moment: You personality just keeps getting bigger and BIGger and BIGGER! You make the funniest facial expressions these days. You flirt A LOT, and you've started oinking like a baby piglet. We always get a good belly laugh out of it.

Scary moment: You are pulling up on EVERYTHING, and almost every time you take a tumble, some more graceful than others, but it never fails. Each one of these causes a mini heart attack. I have a bad feeling you will have a permanent pump knot on your forehead for the next few months.

Words: Da-da, Mama, HI, bah-bah (bottle), bitebite, ball, PaPa, Tucker are the most consistent and recognizable these days 

Firsts: This past month you went on your first boat ride, and attended your first pool party

Sleep: You are still sleeping anywhere from 9-11 hours. We are sooo blessed.

Message from Momma:
Oh TuckTuck, pump. the. brakes. Every day that you turn into a BIG boy a little more, Momma's heart breaks a little. There are no words to describe the joy you bring my each and every day. I could sit and study your face while you sleep for hours on end, you still have the same button nose to this day that you did in your very first ultrasound. It's your Daddy's nose and I was so excited when it popped up on the screen that first time. I could watch you splash in the tub until your toes and fingers are shriveled like raisins, you find such joy in entertaining. I could swing on the front porch with you until the last lightening bug wakes up. I could watch you shove food in your mouth until you pop (don't worry, I'll stop you before you do). I could laugh at you all day long as you explore your ever expanding world, I giggle every time your BIG blue eyes meet a new person and you smile from ear to ear and say "HI". Being your Mommy is the coolest thing I've ever done, hands down. You won't understand the love I have for you for years to come, but when you do, I hope you will smile that big toothy grin and be filled to the brim with love and joy and appreciation. You make my cup runneth over sweet baby.

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