Saturday, March 24, 2012

Nursery Progress Preview...

It's slowly coming together... We're all painted up!! This was a labor of love my Tuck's dad and Big Pa. I. DO. NOT. PAINT. (rooms that is) It's one of the few crafty things I will not lend my hand to. Thank goodness the boys took on the responsibility. It's amazing what paint on a wall can do for a room. Now I want to paint the WHOLE house. Hubbs says NO WAY!!

Tuck's Little Nook

The main colors for the nursery are Navy and Green. I get excited every time someone sends me a picture with a nursery find:
Aunt Nessa's Home Good's find, ottoman for the glider
Fabrics for full bed pillows:
I picked up this bookcase for Tuck's nook at The Painted House, after further review it needs more TLC than I thought.. I'm currently on a mission to paint it navy and leave the inside bright white.. stay tuned for that...
Hubbs (next to a freshly painted wall) with some super cute striped fabric for the curtains:

I have jokingly said that this nursery will be the best looking room in the house, I am no longer joking, as I am convinced. It's sad, but motivating.. 
Loving the fun greens!!

Always, Always, be a Gentleman.

More to come !!


  1. Super cute! Love the dark gray walls! I'll keep my eye out for some green and navy. Green is my specialty. ;)

  2. Thank ya ladies !!! It's a lot of fun !!!
