Monday, March 12, 2012

BUMPdate: 22 Weeks, the Blow Out

Today was our 22 week appointment. Hubbs and I got a great report, results from the BIG ultrasound were good, bump is measuring just as it should and Tuck's HR was a strong 150. (Much slower than it has been, maybe he won't be as high strung as I thought.) After the appointment Hubbs and I headed to lunch at Spankies. As we were walking to our respective vehicles Hubbs said, "I think it's about time for new pants, you're blowing out of those!." I immediately replied, "that's not very nice to say to your pregnant and expanding wife." Hubbs laughed and said, "No really, your pants are ripped!!" I FREAKED OUT!! Sure enough, the pocket seam on my left cheek was BLOWN OUT!!! Hahahaha There's absolutely no telling how long it's been like this. That's the best part. Thanks Hubbs for still checking out my bootay and keeping me in check!!! :)

Pregnancy HighlightsItty Bitty Baby clothes and working on the nursery for now
How Far Along: 22 weeks and 3 days
Size of baby: Papaya, 10.5-11.8 inches long, 12.7 oz.
What is baby up to: Tuck is developing his sleep cycles, however I don't believe for a second that he sleeps 12-14 hours a day. He can hear noises outside of the womb. He is sprouting nipples and his face is fully formed now!!
Gained/Lost: The at home scale, first of the morning weigh-in is 14 lbs gained
Maternity Clothes: Belly bands, after the blowout today I will be switching to maternity pants soon!!
Gender: BOY!! Tucker Andrew Edgington
Movement: Half ninja, Half Break Dancer.. this boy can MOVE
Sleep: Things are MUCH better in the sleep department! I'm back to one pee-break a night, sometimes 2:30 sometimes 4:30
What I miss: Pencil skirts, sugar overdoses, non-sore feet after a day of heels
Cravings: All the usual suspects, new to the list: fish sticks (i know, right??) and chocolate ice cream, not together
Aversions: Pickles, pickles, pickles
Symptoms:  Lower back pain sucks, HORMONES, HORMONES, HORMONES. I'm an emotionally basket case sporadically throughout the day. HEARTBURN.
Best Moment this week: Smelling fresh paint from the nursery!! (Pics to come)
I can't believe that I am already 22 weeks, it blows my mind that we are already over halfway til the BIG day when Tuck changes our lives even more than he already has !!!

1 comment:

  1. I am right there with you on the sleep improvement! I am so happy I have gone back to once a night and the cramps seem to be getting better.
    I have only had one day of major heartburn, but it was a doozey!
    You look adorable.
