Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tales of the Tuck: Month 4

Favorite place to be: You're happy just about anywhere these days, as long as someone is talking to you. You love your bouncy seat and new piano play mat. you also LOVE your bumpO and jumper, I think because you can see everything that's going on. You still absolutely love bath time!

Least Favorite place to be: Cradled like a baby. You are SUCH a big boy, or so you think! You FREAK OUT when we first put you in your carseat and then you realize we AREN'T actually torturing you and you smile and usually fall asleep immediately.

  New experiences this month: Siiiiiiiickness. DayCare germs leave something to be desired. The first Friday of daycare you were running a fever and couldn't go, the second Friday of daycare you had developed an ear infection and also caught the stomach bug. The past 2 Fridays we have successfully gone all day. You celebrated Halloween and did your first round of Trick-O-Treating, You survived your first earthquake on 11/10/12. It was pretty hilarious to watch me and your Mim try and figure out what was happening. You have also found your toes. You grab them when I change your diaper and you ALMOST can get them past your fat belly to your mouth.  

Favorite toy: Your hands, your toes, activity mat, jumper, Sophie Giraffe and teething rings, the swing and your Geoffrey Giraffe lovey
Favorite songs: You dig any jam. You are really becoming attached to your Lullaby CD and Cannon in D. I giggle when you settle down to it from the high point of your meltdowns. 

Favorite People: Mommy and Daddy for sure, you love every knew face you meet. You'll never meet a stranger, I'm sure of it. You love  your family and your teachers at school.

Doctor’s appointments:
Birth- 6lbs 8 ozs, 19 1/2 inches tall
1 Month- 9lbs 2ozs, 21 1/2 inches tall

3 Months- 14lbs 4ozs, 24 1/2 inches tall
4 Months- 15 lbs 3 ozs, 26 inches tall

Breast or Bottle: All bottle. You are up to 8/9 ozs at each feeding now consistently. Today at the doctor we got the green light for solids! Look out baby boy, tonight we have cereal with our dinner!!!

Funny moment: Your "lizard-lizard" face is the BEST. You stick your little tongue out all the time and it's hilarious. You poop soooo loud. Gross but funny and you have started grunting when you do it. 

Scary moment: The stomach bug and associated projectile vomit. Not cool kid. Not cool. 

Words: You coo, grunt and squeal all the time. I LOVE it. 

Firsts: Halloween and the Great Earthquake of 2012

Sleep: Normally 9 1/2- 10 hours each night. It's Gloooooorious.

Message from Momma: My little Pumpkin Head, I do so love you. This past month you have grown leaps and bounds and it's amazing to witness. You are so fun to interact with. Daddy and I were just talking this weekend about how we think you REALLY DO love us now. You get so excited to see your Dad when he walks in the room. You pick up on his voice immediately and start searching the room for him. You have started to dislike being rocked at night and want to just be laid down in bed. This breaks my heart because I didn't think you would ever not want to rock with me. I forgive you because your cute but I would really appreciate some cuddles from time to time. We have already started the Thanksgiving celebrations and I can't wait for you to spend time with the rest of your family. You are so loved little boy. So loved. 

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