Monday, October 15, 2012

Tales of the Tuck: Month 3

Favorite place to be: You're happy just about anywhere these days. You love the swing at school and still really love the bath tub. You are starting to realize that when you kick your chubby little legs you can make splashes. It's pretty precious to watch.
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Least Favorite place to be: Cradled like a baby. You are SUCH a big boy, or so you think! You FREAK OUT when we first put you in your carseat and then you realize we AREN'T actually torturing you and you smile and usually fall asleep immediately.

  New experiences this month: You first lake trip, Your first family reunion, You met your cousins, and you started consistently sleeping through the night! You have really started to use your voice this month and you had you started daycare this month!
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Favorite toy: Your hands, the swing and your Geoffrey Giraffe lovey
Favorite songs: You dig any jam.

Favorite People: Mommy and Daddy for sure, you love every knew face you meet. You'll never meet a stranger, I'm sure of it. I have a sneaking suspicion that your new school friends may out rank me soon enough.
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Doctor’s appointments:
Birth- 6lbs 8 ozs, 19 1/2 inches tall
1 Month- 9lbs 2 ozs, 21 1/2 inches tall
2 Months- 12lbs 5 ozs, 23 1/2 inches tall
3 Months- 14lbs 4ozs, 25 inches tall
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Breast or Bottle: All bottle. You are up to 6/7 ozs at each feeding now consistently
Funny moment: Your "lizard-lizard" face is the BEST. You stick your little tongue out all the time and it's hilarious. You poop soooo loud. Gross but funny and you have started grunting when you do it.
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Scary moment: Nothing comes to mind, but I have dreams of you falling from things often. Scary and weird.

Words: You grunt, squeal and coo constantly, each time louder than the next. It's absolutely precious.

Firsts: Daycare is pretty much the biggest on this list
Sleep: Normally 9 1/2- 10 hours each night. It's Gloooooorious.
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Message from Momma: TuckerT, You can't imagine how much you rock my socks off little dude. I had to go back to work this week (sadness) but knowing I will see your smiling face at 5 o'clock makes the day worth working. You are growing leaps and bounds already. Your little (HA) personality is REALLY starting to shine through. You are the only boy in your class at daycare and I have a sneaking suspicion you are getting some pretty sweet extra attention. You are one good leg sweep from rolling back to tummy and you are starting to realize you can get off your tummy during the dreaded tummy time if you just roll on over. I'm sure next month will be chocked full of roley-poley pictures. You got to meet so many knew faces this month and I couldn't be happier about it. You love new people and immediately start cooing and babbling when someone looks your way. (No idea where you got such an outgoing personality.) I love you more than you will ever know chunky monkey. Thank you for being the light in our world. 

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