Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Save Your Skin

Truth: My name is Kori, and I am a Tan-O-holic, tanorexic, etc..
However, I'm attempting to change my evil and reckless ways!! Skin cancer is on the rise (as well as early wrinkles, but not on me haha) and it's got me freaked out. Not to mention that tanning is waaay expensive when you take a look at the check book. Solution? I've ventured to the other side.. the side of the pale and freckled.. the world of Self Tanning. I've played this game before.. everyone remember when Jergens came out with their "Build a Tan" moisturizer? Yeah.. orange hands, splotchy spots.. Self tanner has since come a long way folks. 
I'm currently taking Origins Great Pretender Self Tanner for a spin. It was highly recommended by a friend (who happens to be fair skin and freckled) and the sales lady really sold me. To sniff this stuff in the tube it has a minty hint to it. Nice, real nice Clark. So, Monday morning I mixed some in with my regular everyday moisturizer and slathered it on. Nice subtle color. Not too bad. I decided I wouldn't mind being just a teenytinybit darker so this morning I went will the original formula, no diluting. The color was immediately noticeable.... but so was the smell.. yesterday afternoon I kept catching a whiff of something kind of "chemically' in my cube. That's not what my tube of tanner smelled like at home!!??!! But today, in all it's glory, it's pretty smelly. I smell no mint, no orange.. nada nothing besides that weird self tanner smell. Bummer. I've doused myself in body spray and for the time being I'm distracted. For the time being. 
Soooo..for the instant color at a fraction of actual tanning cost. It's a GO! (It only takes about 2 teaspoons to cover your entire body!) The smell could use some improvement in my opinion.

Do you have a self tanner recommendation??

*I have in no way been compensated for this post or review, obviously. 

1 comment:

  1. I kinda like the Neutrogena in a spray can. : ) Then I only use it in the summer or when the legs are gonna be exposed (almost never). I think the smell is just gonna be an inevitable part of it but that's a small price to pay IMO. And the smell washes of (or at least is has with my experiences).
