Thursday, June 9, 2011

Brides, Babies and Best Friends

Our Summer Social Calendar is quickly filling up with weddings, showers, family visits and lake time. Sheeeww.. we have SUCH a rough life.

Spending time helping to plan a wedding, a couple baby showers and a bridal shower, I have put my excellent Google skills to good use. It was one day when I was Googling and "researching" that I stumbled upon a website called Pinterest. Heed my warning now, this website will suck you in like a cheesy Lifetime movie on a lazy Saturday afternoon. If you don't have time to waste.. DO NOT VISIT. Therefore, I LOVE IT !! It's very hard to explain so you just have to go to understand. If you love blogs, like I have come to (thanks Katie), then you will love this site. It's like a library for everything cool on any blog you could ever think of. WINNING.

So, go visit, and find fun stuff like this beautiful bouquet:

Source: None via Allison on Pinterest

Or this SUPER CUTE party that would make a great baby shower idea:

I couldn't be happier for all the wonderful things happening to my bestest buds: baby bumps, bouquets and all !!

1 comment:

  1. 1. I love that you started a blog. 2. I love you. 3. I love Pinterest toooo!
