Monday, March 4, 2013

Tales of the Tuck: Month 7

Favorite place to be: You are loving going to "school", you get so excited when we walk in and you see your teachers and friends. You know exactly what purpose your high chair serves and you get REALLY excited when you see it. You really enjoy sitting in the floor and playing with Mommy and Daddy

Least Favorite place to be: You still get angry when we first put you in your car seat, and you don't like being still on your changing table anymore
  New experiences this month: You rolled from your back to your tummy during naptime one day, this was a first. You were soooo proud of yourself. You are blowing bubbles like a crazed animal these days, your shirt is always soaking wet. You are getting the hang of peek a boo and it's a sure fire way to distract you when you are getting your diaper changed. Lots of new food, more snow (real snow)

Favorite toy: Anything and everything are toys to you. Actualy toys, remotes, jewelry, blankets.. I think you have a very active imagination
Favorite songs: Pretty much the same stuff, we have discovered your fondness of bluegrass and banjos. The Grammy's didn't phase you until Mumford & Sons came on. You started dancing like crazy.
Favorite People: You've definitely picked up on familiar faces and you light up when your family is around. You REALLY enjoy your teachers at school, of course, if I was getting loved on 24/7 I would be appreciative too.

Doctor’s appointments:
Birth- 6lbs 8 ozs, 19 1/2 inches tall
3 Months- 14lbs 4ozs, 24 1/2 inches tall
6 Months- 17 lbs 1 ozs, 27 and 1/4 inches tall (Poor Pumpkin lost 11 ounces in 2 weeks thanks to the stomach bug and snot belly)
7 Months- Roughly 17lbs 14 ozs, Probably the same length, even though you look waaaay longer to us.

Food: Bottle and Solids, new to the list this month are: carrots, chicken, zucchini, and cauliflower
I'm still hiding the green beans and you are still making a face when you figure it out.

Funny moment: You're dancing, and even though it's gross we always giggle when you toot. This will probably get old... when you're 17.

Scary moment: The stomach infestation. You slept a lot and barely ate for about 3 days straight. Mommy no likey.

Words: Da-da, daaaaadaaaaa, daadaa, DaDa.... you get the point

Firsts: Flu shots, Back-to-tummy, Snooooow, Valentine's Day

Sleep: Unless illness intervenes you normally sleep about 10 hours at night

Message from Momma:
Little Bubba-Boy, I just thought that 6 months was my favorite age, now 7 months officially is. You are hysterical. You dance and jabber all the time. Mickey Mouse is your favorite face, and it makes me sad, I didn't thnk that mouse would defeat me so early. You can tell me now when to stop shoving food in your mouth. You purse your lips and start shaking your head no. You say Dada all. the. time. and it's precious... now just to get you to start saying Momma on the reg. I love that you are so interactive now. My favorite thing is to sit in the floor and play with you. You are so curious, and it's the most precious thing ever. You will sit in the floor and lean over to peer into your basket, grab a toy, check it out, and move on to the next one until all the toys are out scattered around you. You are our favorite part of the day booboo bear.

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