Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tales of the Tuck: Month 2

Favorite place to be: The Bath, Your Activity Mat, Sitting on Anyone's lap so you can see the world, Your carseat

Least Favorite place to be: Cradled like a baby. You are SUCH a big boy, or so you think!

  New experiences this month: You took your first and second trip to Tazewell, went to your first football game and most importantly took your first trip to church and haven't missed a Sunday since!!

Favorite toy: Your hands, your activity mat, the ceiling fan (moving or not) and your Geoffrey Giraffe lovey
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Favorite songs: You like any and all music, doesn't matter to you. You are getting very fond of your Lullaby cds
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Favorite People: Mommy and Daddy for sure, you love every knew face you meet. You'll never meet a stranger, I'm sure of it.
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Doctor’s appointments:
Birth- 6lbs 8 ozs, 19 1/2 inches tall
1 Month- 9lbs 2 ozs, 21 1/2 inches tall
2 Months- 12lbs 5 ozs, 23 1/2 inches tall

Breast or Bottle: All bottle. You are up to 5 ozs at each feeding now consistently
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Funny moment: Your "lizard-lizard" face is the BEST. You stick your little tongue out all the time and it's hilarious.
Scary moment: Just your hacking cough that comes out of the blue
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Words: You grunt, squeal and coo constantly. It's absolutely precious.
Firsts: You have found your tongue and hands, you smile all the time, You follow us with your eyes and mimic us.
Sleep: I would like to take a minute to thank the Good Lord above and Babywise. On a normal day you sleep from about 7:30/8 pm until 5/5:30 am
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Message from Momma: Baby Boy, you are so precious to me. You are such a bright, bubbly little guy. You make me laugh each and every day. It seems that you grow and change every day. Although I am so thankful for this, I want to keep you little. I love cuddling with you (when you are extra sleepy and don't put up a fight). I love your giggles and smiles and that you love me back. You are my best little buddy. I can't wait to continue to watch you grow and become the man that God intends for you to be. You make my heart smile and bring joy to so many others. You'll never know the extent of love for you in this world. You are one loved and special boy.
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  1. "You'll never a meet a stranger..." Sounds just like his mama!! ;) I love all of these pictures, K! He is precious! Wish that I wasn't on the other side of the country so I could meet him and squeeze him and love him!!

  2. I love you all so very much. Thank you so much for keeping us all in the loop because no matter how far away you are I carry you all in my heart every day.
