Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tales of the Tuck: Month 1

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Favorite place to be: In anyone's arms and you are VERY fond of your swing
Least Favorite place to be: The Changing table, you do not like being naked, unless you are in a warm bath

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New experiences this month: Your umbilical cord FINALLY fell off at 3 weeks! You got to take a big boy bath and LOVED it! You like the warm tub, I think it reminds you of Momma's belly!
Favorite toy: You are kind of little for toys, but you like your hands and your activity mat and the ceiling fan, moving or not.
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Favorite songs: Your Daddy sings "3 Little Birds" to you and you love it. You also like "The Fireman" Mommy makes up songs because she goes blank when put on the spot.
Favorite People: Momma and Daddy tie for 1st of course. You are very fond of your Mim, MeMe, Pappy, Big Pa, Aunt Hallie and Uncle Matt. Aunt Katie and VGB are on your list too. (Tucker says, Uncle Dan, come see me)
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Doctor’s appointments: Your first check up you were 1 oz up from your coming home weight. At your 2 week check-up you weighed 7lb 1 oz and were 20 inches. At your 1 month visit today you were 9lbs 2 ozs and 21 1/2 inches long. You are one quickly growing boy!
Breast or Bottle: Breast and Bottle for the 1st 2 weeks, then we went all formula due to Momma's wells running dry.
Funny moment: Anytime you pee on someone, gross, but hilarious. You do this puppy pant when you get excited. It's pretty funny. You also try to talk, Mommy can't wait :)
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Scary moment: 1st night home from the hospital we had a panic because you hadn't had  very many pee diapers and weren't interested in nursing. We fed you, with a dropper, 1oz of formula to ease Mommy's mind. You also suck on your fists and sometimes you sound like you are choking. Not cool.
Words: You grunt, and squeal. You make this one yelping sound like a broken squeak toy.
Firsts: Daddy claims you bobbed your head in tune to the music while listening to "The Fireman", You smiled around 2 or 3 weeks. It was probably gas but oh well. You smile a lot now and I love it.
Sleep: You are a sleeping champion and we very much appreciate it!
Message from Momma: Dearest Tucker, your first month has been the wildest, craziest, happiest, scariest and most fulfilling month in my entire 27 years of life. You have my whole heart in the palm of your tiny little hand. You are the most curious, bright eyed little creature I have ever seen. You make me happier than I’ve ever been and complete our family. I’m so glad you are mine.


  1. gonna come and see your sweet face soon, Tuck, and hear some of those great little gurgles that only cute babies like you can make....oh, and I want to 'smell' that NEW BABY smell You are sure a loved gift from GOD!

    From your the street who can't wait to see you growing up, riding his bike - skate board, or even some day, earning a few bucks doing some odd jobs for that "old lady down the street."

    Sandy Sauceman / Creekwood

  2. Shut up! He's so stinking cute!!!
