Sunday, August 12, 2012

It's GO Time

I know this is a little late but I figure, better late than never right ??!!?? THIS, is Tucker's birth story... Enjoy!!
               {there will be no detail left untold during the next series of posts, you've been warned}
Tucker's due date was Friday, July 13th. I KNEW by the 12th that he was not coming on his due date. I knew it would be soon, but not on the day. I had a major feeling all day Friday that he would be here Saturday. However, Saturday morning Hubbs and I woke up, looked at each other and almost simultaneously said.. "Nope, not going to be today." We spent Saturday loafing around, doing some casual shopping and had a dinner date with family. We jokingly said to my SIL and BIL that we would call them around midnight as we said our goodbyes at dinner. They headed back to Nashville and we headed home to relax. At 1:00 Sunday (the 15th) morning I woke as usual for a potty break. I was feeling a little crampy and uncomfortable but nothing major. I headed back to bed but COULD NOT get situated. I laid there for an hour wide eyed surrounded by my pillows thinking "Hmmmm... is this starting??" At 2:00 am I got up again, same routine, back to bed, COULD NOT get comfortable. Wide awake, staring at ceiling. By 3:00 my back was really starting to ache. I rolled over to Hubbs (who was snoooooooooozing) and tried to wake him. He was in a very very deep slumber. I finally got him awake and told him I was getting in the shower and that I thought we may be going to the hospital today. He said ok... and went back to sleep. :) I got out of the shower, still cramping, and noticed I had started to bleed. It was BRIGHT red and I knew something was up. I got completely ready and headed downstairs for some breakfast. My plan was to put off the hospital as long as possible. Once you're in, there is no more food and no more drink. The absence of these things can make for an angry angry elf on my part. I had a peanut butter sammy and sat on the edge of the couch rocking (literally, back and forth) through what I now know where contractions. At 5:00 am I called the hospital and had Dr. G paged. She called back and in her cheeriest of voices said, "I thought I might be hearing from you before the weekend was up!" She advised me to come on in. I called my parents and told them that they might want to get in the shower and get ready to head this way. Hubbs called his parents and told them we were hospital bound. We got to the hospital just shortly after 6:00am. The contractions were worsening. At one point I stopped my stride and sentence in the hallway to let one pass. This was definitely it. We got checked in, weighed in and unclothed. We snapped these pics before the madness began:
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We had gotten there just before shift change so I had A LOT of different hands on (and in) me that morning. Nurse Small Hands was up first. She practically climbed in bed with me to check for dilation. She had this surprised look on her face and said, let me get another opinion, but I think you are "complete". I immediately look at Hubbs in panic because I thought by "complete" she meant it was baby time. I told him to call my parents ASAP and make sure they were on their way. He did, and they panicked too. Nurse Long Fingers came in next and concurred, "she's complete". I say, "What do you mean complete?" They informed me that my cervix was completely thinned out but they couldn't tell that I was dilated yet. {Side note: Due to a previous surgical procedure I had some scar tissue on my cervix, this made me unable to dilate on my own. My body was working extremely hard, but couldn't do it's job completely} Dr. G came in to assess the situation. She decided to manually break the scar tissue band and felt confident that I would continue on my own without any problems. So in she went, pre-epidural. You talk about climbing the walls. I thought I was going to. 
Moments after that the Angel of Mercy entered. (Anesthesiologist) Arnold and Nurse Sunshine (the BEST nurse ever) held me down and juiced me up. Nurse Sunshine had told me that she'd seen people laugh their babies out after receiving the sweet nectar, I immediately informed her I wanted to be on that list. Within minutes I was on cloud 9 and dilated to a 4. Nurse Sunshine started me on Pitocin to regulate my contractions and make sure we didn't back track at all. I decided to take a little nap around 9. I woke up around 10:45 to my friend V's face. While she was in the room Nurse Sunshine came in to ask how I was feeling. I said great. She wanted to check me because my contractions were starting to pile up on top of each other. I told V to let the lobby full of family know that they were checking me and I would update them after. That's when the fun started......
Sunshine checked me and let a "oh goodness" slip from her lips. I said, "Good goodness or bad goodness??"  She said, "Well, good goodness. I think you are ready!" To which I quickly reply, "like, push a baby out, ready??" She informed me we were going to do a test push to see. She stirrupped me up, brought down the bright lights and the mirror, which I shunned my eyes from. She gave me a quick tute on how to breathe through the contractions and said ready, set, go. The next thing out of her mouth was, "whoooa whoooa whooa, I need to call Dr. G, this baby is ready!" At this point she asked Hubbs if he wanted to see the head that had crowned. Hubbs had figured out by this point that there was no "head and tail". Once you are in the stirrups, it's ALLLLL the business end. He took a peak, and made a face. I asked him if it looked like the meatball taco from the birthing videos. He made another face, complete with snarled nose and said yes. We both started laughing. I was laughing Baby Boy's head started pushing in and out and everyone was instructing me to STOP laughing. hahahaha Dr. G comes busting in to the hilarious scene. 

She quickly assess the situation, throws on her paper hat and gown and at 11:15 am, we push.....
3 pushing sets and 17 minutes later....
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Tucker Andrew Edgington entered the world....
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Love at First Sight....
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Then the circus came to town... Nobody likes him.. at all.. it's very sad.. :)
 Grandpa's and Grandma's
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Proud Aunts and Uncles
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Mim's and Pappy's, MeMe's and Big Pa's
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Everybody loves a baby....
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1st Photos

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 We spent Sunday night in the hospital and went home Monday evening.. We couldn't believe these people were actually letting us just walk out with his kid. 
 Camera pics Tucker 001 Camera pics Tucker 002 Camera pics Tucker 005 Camera pics Tucker 006 Camera pics Tucker 007 Camera pics Tucker 008

Our first two nights home were a blur of cries, feedings and diapers...Luckily for us Tuck is a great sleeper and eater (now) if he hadn't been, I don't know what we would have done when everything spiraled on Day 5..... more on that later..


  1. You made me laugh til I cried! Love the "meatball taco" reference.


  2. Thanks for sharing Tucker's birth story! I love the pictures of you seeing him for the first time!
