Sunday, May 26, 2013

Tales of the Tuck: Month 10

Favorite place to be: You LOVE the water, you LOVE to be outside, and you LOVE to be the center of attention of everyone around you 

Least Favorite place to be: On your changing pad. You don't like being still. At. All.

  New experiences this month: You got to have cake on Daddy's birthday, and you LOVED it (big shocker), you've also learned a new trick.. you can go from your tummy to your bottom now and you like to do it allllll the time.. especially in the wee hours of the morning. Not cool kid, not cool. 

Favorite toy: Your stack rings still rank pretty high on the list, you love to be outside so your wagon and Cozy Coupe are not far behind

Favorite songs: Still digging banjos, PattyCake PattyCake, and the ABC's, we've recently added Itsy Bitsy Spider to the mix and if You're Happy and You Know It

Favorite People: You are usually a total daddy's boy, but in the past couple weeks you haven't been able to function without momma close by.. and it makes me smile!! You love everybody, you've never met a stranger.

Doctor’s appointments:
Birth- 6lbs 8 ozs, 19 1/2 inches tall
3 Months- 14lbs 4ozs, 24 1/2 inches tall
6 Months- 17 lbs 1 ozs, 27 and 1/4 inches tall
9 Months- 20 lbs 3 ozs, 28 inches tall
10 Months- 21lbs 9ozs, 28 and 1/4 inches tall

Food: You still get a bottle with every meal and for snack, and you are almost completely on non-pureed table food. We still have a small stash of puree in the freezer but once that is gone we are D.O.N.E.

Funny moment: You are currently into head banging, you love music and your "moves" are pretty hilarious

Scary moment: As I was changing your diaper the other day I had your ankles firmly grasped in one hand while grabbing at a diaper and wipes with the other. I thought you were extra heavy and when I turned my gaze back on you, it was because you had wiggled to the end of the dresser and my death grip on your fat legs was the only keeping you from taking a tumble. You have no fear at all and it makes me sweat already.

Words: New word this month is "GO", "HI" and "Ba/Ball" 

Firsts: Your love affair with cake

Sleep: Usually about 9-10 hours. Usually.

Message from Momma:
Little Bubba, you've grown leaps and bounds yet again this month. You have a new tooth, a defiant little pertious chuckle that I could listen to all night long. You love to go, go, go, all the time. You could play til the cows come home. You are the happiest kid I know. You always have a smile on your face and love a response from anyone you catch looking your way. I can't believe you are already 10 months old. I'm not gonna lie, I shed a tear or two (or 50) the morning of your 10 month birthday. I pray everyday that you continue to enjoy life as much as you do now. You continue to bring smiles to the faces of everyone around you, and I am so thankful for that. Keep on entertaining baby, I'm your biggest fan.

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