Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tales of the Tuck: Month 9

Favorite place to be: Outside, no doubt about it !! 

Least Favorite place to be: Your changing pad, you DESPISE being still these days

  New experiences this month: Meeting Smokey tops the list

Favorite toy: You have been on a "Quack Quack" kick this month, you have 2 favorite rubber ducks that you HAVE to have when you take a bath, get your diaper changed, etc. ...

Favorite songs: Still digging banjos, PattyCake PattyCake, and the ABC's

Favorite People: You love your family, and you love your school family, I still think Mickey is your favorite person though

Doctor’s appointments:
Birth- 6lbs 8 ozs, 19 1/2 inches tall
3 Months- 14lbs 4ozs, 24 1/2 inches tall
6 Months- 17 lbs 1 ozs, 27 and 1/4 inches tall 
9 Months- 20lbs 3 ozs and 28 inches tall

Food: Bottle and Solids, new to the list this month are: Pickles, gross
You've been enjoying more and more "table food"

Funny moment: You immediately clap your hands when we start singing "Patty Cake" and it's precious, you also Quack Quack all the time, it's funny funny funny

Scary moment: You are quite the "stunt man" these days; diving, sliding and kicking your way into some pretty breath catching, heart stopping situations

Words: DaaaaDaa, Da, Da, DAAAA... you get the point. Quack quack quack... you get the point. Daddy swears you said your name also, I've yet to hear it.

Firsts: First Easter, First Smokey sighting

Sleep: Usually about 9-10 hours

Message from Momma:
 My little bitty Punkin Head, You are TOO much fun these days! You can light up a room faster and brighter than a 100W bulb. Your little body can hardly contain your personality. Daddy and I just sit and stare at you sometimes in awe. We are in absolute agreement that you are the best thing we've ever done. We never tire of hearing what a sweet, happy, and smart boy you are. You are the best medicine for a crappy day or an exhausting week. I'm so excited to enjoy the Tucker show from the front row. Keep up the good work kid! 

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